Group Work
Group work!!! Working with a group of people has been so helpful as I have done my Arts Bridge visits. In my particular classroom, there are 16 fifth graders and 16 sixth graders. Sheri Davis, the teacher, has been given the challenge to teach both 5th and 6th grade curriculum at once. This is a tricky task, but she handles it creatively. As I observed her classroom before teaching I noticed that one tactic she used was group work. She split the students up and let them work together as groups while she circled the classroom and instructed where needed. The students were mature and responded well. I knew in that moment that I needed to incorporate group work into all of my lessons. So far it has worked like a charm. Last week we worked on fractions in my lesson. In the end of the lesson I split the students up into 2 groups and gave each a "fraction dance". The "fraction dance" was a piece of paper with a list of various instructions that they had to follow. All...
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